Subject: personal message
Whats up,
Sales slow, momentum stale, in need of a sales
“pick me up”. Look no further, we have your answer
right here. It’s called Run My Contest!
With Run My Contest you set up an affiliate contest
with live and up to the minute results that will create
affiliate buzz and competition, Increasing your sales
Of course, more sales means more commissions for
you and we all want more commissions right!
See a free demo here now http://{YOUR_AFFILIATE_ID}
Time to attract new affiliates and new customers to your
sales page with Run My Contest.
It’s so easy a caveman can do it. You can watch a demo
on the site or take advantage right away of the 14 day free trial.
You can create a prize contest, give away a watch or xbox
or iPad…You can create a cash contest, 2k, 10k or however
much you want to pay and choose each positions payout!
Once you choose how long the contest goes you can choose
some speed bumps or total sales payouts, even set minimums,
the options go on and on. It really doesn’t get much easier then this.
After it’s all set up you are left with your own JV page url where you
can add swipes, banners, links and much more! a
Start with Run My Contest Today
Time to increase your sales and start making more money :)
(Your Name)